Saturday, 25 March 2017


The world where we all are living in is nothing but a complete illusion. It is the combination of our thought processes. The way we think, we pretend the whole world is that same. It is the state of the mind of the person which defines the world for him. It is universally applicable to all the individuals on the planet whether he may be rich or poor, child or aged person. It is the human tendency that we all look at the entire world, with our eyes only and this is the reason people have sympathy for others but not the empathy. We always believe there is only one angle to look the world and due to that only we get surprises over the tiny matter because we assert the outcome or process we are thinking is unique. And a small modification in outcome or the process surprises us a lot.

You all have observed that a person thinks that all others are feeling the same, what he is feeling. And it is the common situation with all, due to ideology of- “Reflection of me is we.” We are not even interested to know all facts and figures rather we apply our perception in every case uniformly without taking into consideration the individual variations. Recently, my friend has passed the CA IPC exam and his happiness even can’t be described in words. While celebrating his success, he was thinking all the people around the world are so happy and all should celebrate. He forgot many of our friends have failed too and they all must be dejected but he thought all are happy as he is. It is only because the world is nothing but an illusion or we can say it is the result of our uniform perception towards all. You may observe the similar thought process with any business man or even with any of your friends who trades. During demonetisation, I met my uncle and he was telling me government has made an excellent decision and all business would get benefit of the same as it is bringing the boom in the market. I think all we know that most of businesses have been hit hard due to same decision though he was saying me it is bringing the boom in the market. The reason is quite simple he was applying the situation of his business to all other businesses without thinking or taking care of the reality and the variations.

You all have heard people saying that there communication skill is very weak. It is good they are thinking about their communication skills. In the same line, we must think about the reason behind it; and the reason is ignorance. This ignorance is built up due to our ideology of- “Reflection of me is we.” We always think the image of the whole world is only what we think and it does not have its own real image and that is not true at all. We generally talk people as per our state of mind or ideology; a teacher talks about discipline with anyone as he generally talks with student, a happy person talks about happiness even to person who is sad and a sad talk person talk about sadness even to a happy man. Then how could anyone expect good communication in above mentioned cases? 

Nowadays, communication is the most important skill to decide your success chart. No one would know you until and unless you present yourself to them. And communication is the only and easiest way to present yourself to everyone. That’s why all must put efforts to improve their skill. To improve our communication skills, we must start talking with people as per their need, ideology and state of mind rather than as per ours. The day we begin talking with people as per their perception, at that very same time our communication skill would start improving. We also need to work on our observation skills, thinking horizon and our vision to step up towards the uncommon communication skills. We need to think beyond our common ideology of- “Reflection of me is we”, to become the uncommon communicator because- “Beyond common is simply the uncommon.” 

All your suggestions are warmly welcomed....


  1. Really a very good article . And the way you conclude about communication skill is too good.

  2. Very good article

  3. Great Thinking bro loves to read ur articles. Keep moving

  4. "Reflection of me is we" ideology is nice one. Keep writing more in simple manner to make people got your point.��

  5. I agree with ur thoughts. I think, we made friends who has thoughts like us. This is the problem. That's why, we do not understand new thinking of others. Communication is the best way to know about new ideas and thoughts.
